J. Darren Jewell
Tree Care from the Ground Up
Involving your Arborist Today Saves Money and crisis Tomorrow
Invest in Trees
- Sequester Carbon
- Filter out Air Pollutants
- Reduce Soil Erosion
- Reduce Heat Island Effects
- Increase Property Values
- Provide Shade & Evaporative Cooling, Reducing Cooling Costs
- Reduce the Sun’s Harmful Effects on Painted Surfaces.
- Restore your Sense of Well-Being
Contact Us For:
- Planting & Early Structural Pruning
- Sight & Soil Analysis
- Prescription-based Organic Fertilization
- Root-barrier Installation
- Long-term Care & Maintenance
Your trees can be one of your greatest assets or biggest liabilities. Proper planning is crucial for the long term health and enjoyment of your investment. We offer site and soil analysis in order to assist you in finding the right tree for the right location in your landscape.
Many issues resulting in stress and mortality of urban trees is directly related to poor planting practices. The Crown Jewell uses a knowledge-based approach and follows ANSI standards and Industry Best Management Practices to ensure that your investment has the very best chance of survival for generations to come.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and a knowledgeable approach to early development can prevent expensive remedial action/property damage in the future. Let us partner with you for the life of your investments.
Healthy trees require healthy soil. Soil Ph, soil structure/profile and nutrient availability are some of the considerations which affect the health and survival of urban trees. In addition, many diseases are the result of soil-borne pathogens which compromise a tree’s vitality making it susceptible to secondary pests and pathogens i.e. borers, scales, etc.
The Crown Jewell partners with local laboratories in order to provide the best prescription-based approach to your individual needs because, “Prescription without Diagnosis is Malpractice.”
Your trees are living organisms; each part of which has a specific function to perform. In order to maintain vitality, these parts must remain in balance (not only artistically, but more importantly, biologically). Tree Pruning is both an art and a science and should only be performed by Qualified Tree Care Professionals and according to ANSI and Industry Standards.
ANSI A300 (Part 1)-1.3
“ANSI A300 standards shall apply to any person or entity engaged in the management of trees…including arborists, consultants, arboricultural or landscape firms, and managers or owners of property.”
Crown Reduction
Mitigates excessive tip weight, minimizes branch break-out, and reduces overall size of crown. Selective tip reduction can be used to prune off buildings, sidewalks etc. or correct abnormal shape.
Crown Cleaning
The removal of dead/diseased branches as well as pruning out conflicting branch structure.